Friday, March 18, 2016

special books and creative stations for one

I wanted to share a few favorite books on the topic of feelings and yoga for relaxation.
These books are beautiful and personal favorites of mine. See if you can find them at the library. 

I have 3 mini creation stations for one child to use at a time. A variety of objects are available in baskets for the children to use and create. It's always fun for me to see what the children come up with. Time alone in these special spots using open ended materials gives the mind a few moments to be restful, mindful, and creative.

Back yard birds station. We are learning about the birds we see at our feeders.

Who is living is this part of the woods?

Tyler is making his own mini book about birds

How many fairies can you find?

See how this set up is different from the first one...

A few of Mrs. Greene's favorite new books!

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