Sunday, March 6, 2016

March Newsletter

Greene Gazette

March 2016 

Language Arts:
We are continuing to read a variety of picture books across many genres as we work to respond to what we are reading using our special “reader’s notebooks.” The children are working to extend their thinking to include details from the books, and their opinions about what they have read. We have enjoyed picture books by author illustrator Grace Lin. 

The children continue to work on writing their own books around special experiences from their own lives. We will work to “publish” one book a month for each child going forward. Published books are typed by Mrs. Greene and then illustrated with “special” publishing art tools which include a special collection of colored pencils, flaire pens, and crayons. I conference with up to 4-5 children each bookmaking session to help teach into the work they are doing. This helps each child fine tune their writing and develop their own writing style and abilities.

Unit 8, This unit will focus on learning to read and spell words that contain consonant blends. Blends are 2 consonants that each make their own sound and can be at the beginning or end of a word. (stop, frog, jump, bend)
Unit 8 trick words: Would, could, should, her over, number
 Our math lessons are helping the children to learn a variety of addition and subtraction strategies for numbers up to 20 and beyond. This includes working with doubles addition facts and learning doubles plus one. So that if a student knows that 7+7=14, then 7+8=15. Also, using the number line, 100 chart, learning number fact families, and how to find missing addends will be taught. The children will be working in a variety of addition and subtraction activitiy stations to build these skills. Addition and subtraction problem solving work includes being able to explain and show your thinking in numbers, pictures, and words.
Social Studies:
We will be learning about some of the common symbols of America this month as we read a variety of nonfiction texts to explore topics including the bald eagle, Statue of Liberty, White House, and Liberty Bell. The children will connect these topics back to literacy as they create their own flip book of symbols that represent America, and write their own “list” poems to describe some of the symbols listed above.

 Sincerely, Mrs. Greene

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