Friday, November 13, 2015

Homework in First Grade

Most everyone is familiar with our two computer based homework options of IXL for math and Raz Kids for leveled reading. Both of these programs are optional for at home use and practice. 

In addition there is the option of completing the Fundations dictation activities that are included with each Fundation Unit Parent Packet. If you choose to use the dictation activity and writing grid, feel free to send the completed work back to school for me to see. Trick words are also included in the parent packet for Fundations. In the classroom we practice trick words with magnet letter shapes, trick word rings, rainbow writing trick words, and writing words in a shallow sand tray. Feel free to try some of these options at home too. I love the magnet letter sets that have the consonants in solid blue and the vowels in red. You can find these on Amazon.

On occasion I will send home a book from school that your child has read in their guided reading group, for an overnight at home read. Enjoy listening to your child read to you and have a brief chat about the book together. Please return the books back to school in your child's folder the next day.

The first grade teachers have created a list of ideas for creating a math activity basket at home. There is a math packet coming home today. The cover sheet has a list of math tools that can be collected for at home math practice. There are also 3 math games being sent home today. A great way to store the games for reuse is to use small plastic baggies to hold the pieces. The paper games/cards that come home can be added to your math basket too. 

Our hope is to offer different ideas and options for homework in the areas of literacy and math that are activity based, and use hands on learning tools versus using all computer or paper pencil tasks. Have fun mixing it up and trying different things. Let me know how it is working out or if you have any questions!

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