Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Celebrating our Classroom Community

I am so proud of our wonderful classroom community and the great learning experiences we had this year. Looking back though the blog posts bring many happy memories of the days we spent together; learning, exploring, creating, reading, writing, problem solving and growing. I am thankful to be able to work with these students each day and I appreciate all of their efforts towards learning, being good friends to each other, and being helpful and caring students. This has been a special year and I am very thankful for the support parents have provided to our classroom community along the way! Folding mini books, sending in supplies, helping to get items on our wish list, sharing kind words about how you have seen your children grow this year. It has all been so appreciated. Wishing all of you a happy, safe, and relaxing summer!
Love, Mrs. Greene

Staying busy in June

These last few weeks of school have gone by so quickly! We have been working with counting mixed coins in math and rotating to different stations to practice using coins in a variety of ways. We created seahorse artwork after reading Eric Carle's book Mr. Seahorse. It's always amazing to see how these projects turn out so beautifully. We enjoyed making rainsticks using paper towel rolls. A big thank you to Mrs. Carlton for purchasing such great fabric in bright colors. Also a big thank you to the parents who were able to join us along with Alex's grandmother, to help keep the rainstick stations going. It took more than an hour to get them all completed. Thank you also to all the parents who were able to join us for our trip to the DeCordova earlier this month. Enjoy the photos below!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Folktale and Fairy tale projects and friendly letters

The children were very excited to receive friendly letters from children in first grade at Sacred Hearts School in Bradford. We also worked on creating artwork to represent the main characters and settings from some of the folktales and fairy tales we have been reading.  Children also wrote poems to tell about a tale they read. See if you can guess the characters you see and the settings they belong to.

Artwork to celebrate SPRING

Reading letters from our pen pals 

Holding up our pen pal letters from our first grade friends in Bradford

Some of the letters we received from our pen pals

Our week in pictures!

We've had a fun and interesting week. We had a classroom mystery...as we discovered something ate through our entire crop of sunflower seedling sprouts during the weekend. The children suspect that some inchworms had a feast! We've planted new seeds and are hoping for better luck this time. We read a book about how sunflowers are like the sun, and learned about a little girl who planted and cared for her sunflower seed. 

Our reader's notebooks show our work and thoughts after reading a beautiful sunflower book

Kaitlin brought in some sprouting acorns, we can clearly see the root and sprout

Bean plants are growing!

Our sunflower sprouts were eaten over the weekend...

Our science journals show sketches of the sprouted acorn seeds

We are keeping track of our plant growth in these flip books

comparing our bean plants to our sunflower plants